IT connections and the use of smart solutions offer tremendous opportunities and potential for new, previously unimagined products, business models and services. At the heart of successful networking and interdisciplinary cooperation in this initiative are partner companies of the Upper Austrian Automotive Cluster, partner companies of the Upper Austrian IT Cluster, R&D facilities, interested companies, public bodies and institutions.
For the development of new services, the expertise of the automotive and IT branches is required. With the intelligent linkage and exchange of experience, existing products or services can be digitised and new business models emerge. The declared aim is to develop new technologies that move Austria forward and lead to the creation of a new focal area for business and industry here.
The ICM combines the expertise of the automotive and the IT industry. Objectives of the plenary meetings are to initiate new products or business models and discuss them. The Intention is to transfer them into concrete cooperation projects.
You already have a project idea and would like to introduce it at one of the next plenary meetings to find other project partners? You can find a template for formulating your idea (project outline) here. We are looking forward to your project ideas: Send E-Mail
The future/ study trips are organised by the Foreign Trade Centre of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO) and the Initiative Connected Mobility (ICM) of the Automotive and IT Cluster.
-Platform for optimal networking with international stakeholders
-Learn about new technologies
-Learning from the best
-Finding cooperation partners and exchange with like-minded people from other (Upper) Austrian companies
The costs depend on the duration of the journey and the organisational effort.
The arrival and departure as well as the hotel bookings have to be organized by yourself.
Study trip 2019 to Munich on the topic "Focus on networked mobility and digital test regions". As part of the study trip, this time the test track for autonomous driving on the A9, Continental Automotive GmbH, Nokia Digital Creativity Lab and the Digital Innovation Lab of T-Systems were visited.
The trend towards digitisation requires changes in work processes and qualification profiles. The course "Digital Transfer Manager 2.0" (DTM) helps to increase the innovation competence, to teach strategically oriented methods and to use the trained competences and skills to generate new, innovative digital solutions. The course teaches the basics for the design, structure, introduction and management of digital processes in the company = digitalization roadmap.
>> further information & registration
You can also book the course in-house.
For further information check here contact us via e-mail.
You will receive a discount of ten percent if the course is booked up to eight weeks before the start of the first seminar.
The Experience Echange Round (ERFA) Digitalization serve the exchange of topics concerning digital change.
Problems are seldom unique and have usually been dealt with by someone before. In the mutual exchange of experience you build up valuable practical knowledge. With fresh ideas and new tools at hand, you will master your daily challenges more versatile than before.
A topic defined jointly in advance is addressed and discussed in the specific ERFA rounds. Prior to this, the participants have time to prepare themselves on the basis of guiding questions. If required, external guest contributions can be made as specialist input to the daily topic.
The participants of the ERFA meet regularly and bindingly in the same composition with changing host roles.
The Automotive Cluster is responsible for the organisation and coordination of the meetings with the members as well as the moderation and documentation of the individual meetings.
In addition to the advantage of being able to use suggestions from colleagues for your own company, it is also possible to derive cooperation projects from interesting tasks. Here too, the Automotive Cluster can take over the project management.
3-4 meetings per year are planned.
For AC and ITC partners: 150,- € per meeting.
For non-partners: 300,- € per meeting.
The participation fee is intended to cover the costs of organisation, moderation and documentation and accrues per company and meeting. The participation fee is charged in advance for the whole year. If a participant of a company is prevented from attending a meeting, a substitute participant of the respective company can take over the appointment.
If you are interested and have further questions, please contact Wolfgang Kurz.
(Traditional) companies are often faced with the problem or challenge of putting their analog or established business models and products on the "digital transformation test bench" in the shortest possible time in order to rethink them and benefit from current technological and visionary opportunities from the "world of digitization" in order to derive new business models, services or products. One possible approach is the implementation of a Multi-Corporate Innovation (MCI) Challenge: i.e. through a controlled "open innovation" approach, the company comes up with completely new - never thought of before - and valid business cases in the shortest possible time.
"It is a - usually - two to three-day event format with the aim of interdisciplinary teams of four to six people each - consisting of industry/specialist experts, programmers, employees from the company itself and start-ups - developing executable results (new products, services) or validly elaborated business cases/business models for a clearly formulated problem of a company in the shortest possible time", explains the organizer and head of the Connected Mobility initiative, Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Kurz. The implementation of up to three MCI Challenges from different companies running in parallel will ensure an additional lively exchange of knowledge and inspiration between different industries and thus increase the added value for all participants.
For further information, please contact us directly by e-mail.